Thursday, May 20, 2010



The papers for the past 2 days were depressing for me.. not that I was exactly depressed but I was so afraid ytd as well as today morning, waking up early in the morning to study Math did not help at all. I need to learn to stop escaping from reality!

Today I went to chill @ White Sands, was planning to read some mags at the cafe but it was so packed! + I don't think they specialize in making cakes or brownies, just drinks and set meals (and it was so expensive) so I borrowed 2 mags and went to Subway (all-time fave) to read them and munch on my cookies.. ahhh :) Oh and talking about Subway cookies, I'm so not going to have them anymore, or have lesser of them because 01 it is loaded with sugar so it's unhealthy and makes me fat 02 I'm getting quite sick of them. What a pity right, it used to be my top favourite!

So excited for tmr, there are a few reasons..
  1. Last paper of the week! :)
  2. First proper chill-out outing with my class girls!
  3. Receiving what I bought online :D
  4. Hanging out with Grace
HAHA, yes that's the main highlight, I hope it would be great fun!! I'm actually feeling quite positive about it :)) Positive that it's gonna turn out well although he didn't even line up any programmes! Heh :D

I've downloaded all the albums by Phoenix, I have realized that indie songs are like people.. you take time to appreciate them. I quite like Wolfgang Amadeus, I hope the other albums suit my taste too!!

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