Monday, May 17, 2010

A feeling diary


GP paper was fine, I didn't manage to finish paper II though. I still think tdy's a good start! :) After booking consultation with Miss Ong I went off to meet Pamela at Bishan!! It was so much fun hanging out with her, my legs are half-broken now after 6 whole hrs of shopping and dying of hunger with only having tako pachi (bacon & cheese) for lunch. It was a lot of walking from Ion to Wisma to Taka to Wheelock back & forth! Thank God I managed to find presents I wanted if not today would be a wasted trip.

I'm meeting Jolyn (and maybe Estie) for breakfast tmr at Tmart! It's been ages since we had Mac's bfast together ;) I'm so psyched about it + the dates I have in the following wk! Just need more $$$$ I'M SO BROKE I TELL U!! :/ x10

Things to do by tonight:

Read thru extension of CW
End of CW notes

Hi Pamela! Look here! I love you! :)
Miss the good old times yeahhh ~ CWP + Stayovers!

Time to wrap my presents now! Tata ~

P.S. A blog is supposed to be a blog. It's alright not to be perfect :) It's a diary!!

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