Saturday, May 29, 2010


TODAY: Went for photoshoot!! Work not as tiring as the few days b4 and I love the make-up artist she's so sweet :) hehe. I think overall we had quite a lot of fun, or at least, for me :)

We were all dying of hunger by 4PM!! Believe it or not, today's the first time I've been to Chinatown! So it was quite an eye-opener for me O.O Was observing the place while having tim sum, kinda tired till I didn't really feel like talking or reply texts X.X

Slept in the cab (SHIOK). Helped KX carry the collection upstairs and slacked b4 returning home. I wanna lose weight and I'm sure I can! .. if I want to. I forgot how it feels to be skinny alr man, it's been 2 - 4 years..

Vesak Day


Ytd was Vesak Day and I went out with my family 4 lunch @ KFC. Those ppl who know me should know that my diets never work out.. but whatever man it was family day so I made an exception! Heh :D Anyway, I forgot to bring my sunnies out and it was sunny so I bought a pair @ Cotton On which I thought I kinda liked but it looks uglier now. And guess what, after I stepped out of White Sands it wasn't sunny anymore but I still wore them to protect myself from the rays. PROTECT PROTECT PROTECT nah I don't put sunblock.. time to keep a good habit..

Dad decided to have teabreak @ 888 and I conveniently bought a mixed berries yog drink. And conveniently ate 2 otahs :X Bloated + more food = SUPER BLOATED X.X!! Went off to Pam's house. Only had otahs (yeah, again) + apple juice 4 dinner later on..

Tuition-ed her Chinese b4 dinn, and we (actually it's only her, really..) procrastinated x10 about getting on Chinese again 'cos the TV was so addictive :X In the end we just tellied all the way till it was time 4 me to go home! Hehe. We watched the now-very-hot K drama Pretty Boy and later switched to some K concert, with all the super popular K songs and NO I'm not influenced or anything! :X Because it seems like everytime I go to her house I get infested eg, FLH the other time.

Jess & I :)

My new nails muahaha

I think it's so sad that times are different now, 01 she's preparing for her Os while I'm mugging in JC 02 we are so IT savvy we have our phones w us all the time and don't really chat :/ Although we watch tv together and yes, that's great but still.. it's just unlike in the past where we would just waste time talking to her classmates (which I don't know but later knew when she introduced them to me - I very sociable one k, HAHA) and we can't do it now 'cos nobody would bother about us even if we kajiao them, daydream about our Prince Charming and take neoprints and watch movies and eat gummies without being afraid of getting fat. I'm not being emo! I just like to reminisce, that's all.


Thursday, May 27, 2010

Lazy day


I spent close to 10 hours watching the telly today, think I watched 3 - 4 movies. Ahhh shioook! :) I think I'm so pathetic, I even find joy in potato-couching.. I told my Mom what I planned to do for the day and she was like, "You do that everytime!" and I went, "It's different! Usually when I potato couch there will still be worries on my mind, eg if I've completed my homework and revision.. so that's not proper relaxing." LOOKING FORWARD TO TMR! Why, life is getting more and more fantastic.. ;)

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

A humid Wednesday


I went to school today for class photo-taking and QTS, I'm the slowest at doing surveys! I just want to do everything nicely..

Anyway, went home to tumblr and have lunch b4 setting off to PHS, I'm such a pro I managed to reach there within an hr!! First time stepping into the school eh, and see how Pam's studying environment is like :P Attended her PMS (and I'm the parent muahaha nah jk I was just presenting in my Aunt's absence :) ), it was alright I filled in a form and we slacked at the canteen me with orange juice & strawberry pocky (so much 4 losing weight!) and Pam with her green tea :) I'm so happy I visited her in school, so happy so happy! Had been dying to do that in years, and I finally got the chance!! Hehex

Just chilled (whoo) at Pam's house and watched Ch 855 while she watched her Korean drama on her iPhone, I love it when we just slack around and do nothing at all but laze, we don't even talk! Silence isn't awkward at all when we're together 'cos we're so close :>

Had dinner, tuition-ed her Chinese.. I really hope she understands my teachings fully!! Her paper is on Monday, Os eh!! I'm scared for her x10, will be praying ok ;) *crosses fingers*

Dad picked me up. This is us! Say hi? :D

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Philip Lim Fall Resort 2010

More here!

Lost connection


I bought sushi + Subway from T1 today before going to KX's house. Subway was breakfast, sushi was lunch but we had junk for lunch from the pasar malam under the block instead.. work was done by 3 and I was craving for Taiwanese sausage.. it's okay I made it up by having only veg + watermelon 4 dinn! So tired, I think my legs are toned alr. I left my sushi at her house!! Tmr's photo-taking, I'm not very excited but I shall sleep early tonight so to feel good :D

No, my Math is not done. Can't wait to meet Pammy tmr!!

Monday, May 24, 2010

Chanel Fall Resort 2011

More here!


01 First day of work: TIRING!!
02 On a cleansing diet (although I had Pork chop for dinn)
03 I can't wait for Saturday's photoshoot!! Imma gonna be a stylist seh, just to sound nice but still 5 stars! :)

Working with XL tmr! + I'm attending Pamela's meet the parents session on Wed, HAHA.

Sunday, May 23, 2010


Hi! :)

Today was a looong day in church, I almost starved to death by skipping lunch because I had to serve the whole day. Right after adult service was the kids' choir, after kids' choir was the drum audition.. but I had a lot of fun :D

Everything ended at only 7PM, and we had our dinner @ CS. It's been a long time since I hung out with them (Tim, Tako, JQ, JY) + yakked so much! Played Bishi bashi (!!! it's been ages) and hopped on 81 and bathed and I'm online now watching youtube videos on modelling. And a piece of good news.. I'm officially hired by EGP! So far it's part-time, and I only have the hols to spare.. and no I'm not modelling! I hope I'll be able to balance my time well for this June and I'm definitely looking forward to complete my revision for the semester + stayovers + catching up with some old mates. So long!! :)

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Awesome Friday

Hi! :)

I knew it, ytd was a good day afterall! It was so much fun, I reached home at dawn and I don't think I've ever stayed out till so late b4, thank God my bro was with me last night so it was my first time! I reciprocated by agreeing to trade beds with him, he slept on my soft comfy mattress last night while I took over his bed. Although he doesn't really have a bed..

So my day went like this, I woke up with a really good dream (KEKEKEX + although thinking of it now it's not that good) and giggled to myself while having breakie, then went off to take a bus to sch which I got myself a seat (yes) and studied my Lit + read daily bread. Lit paper was ok, I didn't bring in my IC though, it was in my bag in the locker & they said they were going to submit my name to the examination board. I'm not really worried 'cos I don't think it's such a great deal anyway and + my MYEs are alr screwed I have nothing else to fear!

Went home to change and I read my 17 mag on the bus.. AHHHHHH :) It feels so good man, listening to my music and read a mag with the relief that exams are over :)) Helped my Momma with the dishes and took a nice shower when I got home.. I took a whole hour to change (must pretty pretty..)! Was ridiculously late and thought since it was going to turn 1, might as well meet the blogshop owner first before finding A9 girls @ Pizza hut..

Lunch was fab, I changed my Soup of the Day to salad, felt so sick eating a pizza topped with a bottle of cheese because while trying to have cheese on my pizza the whole cap fell off and my pizza became Cheese Wonderland :/

We didn't catch a movie afterall because.. actually I can't really rmb the reason but we went shopping instead :D I was telling some of them that it's so amusing to watch the others check things out, they all have the same expression.. it's so interesting & funny! Went to Face shop and tested almost every color they had, I bought 2 bottles of nail polish in pastel colors :>

Grace's forever so cool with me going to her house to chill, even if it's only for a min. Ytd was 1.5 hours and I spent that time removing my polishes from the previous testings @ FS & applied my own :) My left hand was nice, my right was so screwed! :( Anyway, during the whole time we were sitting at the dining table while she had her late lunch and me painting my nails and we chatted about school, perceptions.. haha it's been such a long time since we had a REAL proper talk. It's always just brief conversations then I'd have to rush off to serve at church while she rushes home to complete her assignments. I want a DVD day at her house during the hols! GRACE U SEE THIS? DON'T FAKE AND THINK U NEVER SEE OKIE heh :D

Now the highlight of the day *drum rolls*.. BENJI'S PARTY! Lol @ Benji, that was what JY smsed me. Benji Benjy Benjie, all the same! :P It was so hot at downtown, everybody was sweating.. and the food was good :) Actually I only tried some, the rest of my tummy was filled with drinks (BEST!!!) and puddings :D So much sugar intake pls, I felt so :/ at the end the party. How to lose weight! Sigh

My church's crazy youths

I realized that I'm almost a mute when I eat, and super talkative after my meal. Ytd was a good hanging out session with all the churchies - I'm a boring person Idk how to strike convos, I'm sorry but at least, I should say, I interacted! :)

Left at around 11:30PM to sing K, and found out how out of date I was with C-pop!! I remember the last time I went K was P6 and I didn't go there anymore afterwards 'cos my mom said she was afraid that ppl might spike my drink.. nevertheless, there are always songs that will never go outdated, and there are English songs too so I sang. Oh and I ate again in the room because 01 they had free-flowing nuts (I think) 02 while the mikes were rotating I just unconsciously munched on something..

Cabbed home with XL and Matt, Matt spent so much $$ last night. The day was just great, I enjoyed myself v much but still there are always cons..

  1. Bad skin
  2. Shag
  3. High sugar intake
I slept at 5AM, woke up at 10 because I'm not a person who can sleep in. Was thinking of taking an afternoon nap but look at the time now! It's fine, because I do still have a list of things to do :)

A pic to end off the post:

Conclusion: An awesome Friday! :)

Thursday, May 20, 2010



The papers for the past 2 days were depressing for me.. not that I was exactly depressed but I was so afraid ytd as well as today morning, waking up early in the morning to study Math did not help at all. I need to learn to stop escaping from reality!

Today I went to chill @ White Sands, was planning to read some mags at the cafe but it was so packed! + I don't think they specialize in making cakes or brownies, just drinks and set meals (and it was so expensive) so I borrowed 2 mags and went to Subway (all-time fave) to read them and munch on my cookies.. ahhh :) Oh and talking about Subway cookies, I'm so not going to have them anymore, or have lesser of them because 01 it is loaded with sugar so it's unhealthy and makes me fat 02 I'm getting quite sick of them. What a pity right, it used to be my top favourite!

So excited for tmr, there are a few reasons..
  1. Last paper of the week! :)
  2. First proper chill-out outing with my class girls!
  3. Receiving what I bought online :D
  4. Hanging out with Grace
HAHA, yes that's the main highlight, I hope it would be great fun!! I'm actually feeling quite positive about it :)) Positive that it's gonna turn out well although he didn't even line up any programmes! Heh :D

I've downloaded all the albums by Phoenix, I have realized that indie songs are like people.. you take time to appreciate them. I quite like Wolfgang Amadeus, I hope the other albums suit my taste too!!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010


Friday friday..

Tuesday, May 18, 2010



As you can see, I'm making it a point to blog everyday.. keeping track of thoughts and doings.

I didn't start on my CW notes last night, (but I finished preparing the prezzies hehehex) was too tired slept at 12 AM & woke up at 5:30 AM today to have pass a birthday present to a sleepy (and hopefully, was surpised enough haha) Grace. Mac's with the girls and I took 28 kinda by accident should have walked the bridge instead! History consultation lasted for 1.5 hours and I was feeling so tired by the end of it, too much concentration used up!

I'm not going to take an afternoon nap and work on my History!!

Happy Birthday Grace Lim!
Muahahaha polka dotttt

Monday, May 17, 2010

A feeling diary


GP paper was fine, I didn't manage to finish paper II though. I still think tdy's a good start! :) After booking consultation with Miss Ong I went off to meet Pamela at Bishan!! It was so much fun hanging out with her, my legs are half-broken now after 6 whole hrs of shopping and dying of hunger with only having tako pachi (bacon & cheese) for lunch. It was a lot of walking from Ion to Wisma to Taka to Wheelock back & forth! Thank God I managed to find presents I wanted if not today would be a wasted trip.

I'm meeting Jolyn (and maybe Estie) for breakfast tmr at Tmart! It's been ages since we had Mac's bfast together ;) I'm so psyched about it + the dates I have in the following wk! Just need more $$$$ I'M SO BROKE I TELL U!! :/ x10

Things to do by tonight:

Read thru extension of CW
End of CW notes

Hi Pamela! Look here! I love you! :)
Miss the good old times yeahhh ~ CWP + Stayovers!

Time to wrap my presents now! Tata ~

P.S. A blog is supposed to be a blog. It's alright not to be perfect :) It's a diary!!

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Grow more patience

Tmr is Monday, I'm having my first major exam in college!! It's quite frightening I think, especially when I'm only reading my resources later.

This wk is going to be hectic for me, I know, even though it's exams and there's no homework to be done, just self-revision but I keep telling myself (only since last night, Grace is a big source of influence! Haha) it's not the time to relax I'm very busy, I have lots of revision to do. My mood is always fluctuating sometimes I'm a 100% slacker sometimes I have so many things in my brain I can't get to sleep. Currently I'm trying to feel busy because I know it's the exam period and I have to chase time.

Anyway, I'm suddenly so enthusiastic about researching on fashion again, had a plan in mind to do a fashion scrapbook on my own over the last Dec hols but I guess I didn't have a chance with so many catching up on ppl to do + work. Talking about work, who wants to hire me?! I'm so in need of $ now, somebody pls feed my bank!! T.T

Tmr is a brand new week, forget about the horrible past wk (if it was terrible for you). It goes the same for me! For the next wk:

Learn to be like you

Grow more patience Grow more patience Grow more patience
Grow more patience Grow more patience Grow more patience
Grow more patience Grow more patience Grow more patience
Grow more patience Grow more patience Grow more patience
Grow more patience Grow more patience Grow more patience
Grow more patience Grow more patience Grow more patience
Grow more patience Grow more patience Grow more patience

Saturday, May 15, 2010

1 Saturday

Hi! I'm currently using my Momma's iPhone to type this and you can't exactly say I'm using the computer.. Anyway, it's really more time-saving to blog here than on the comp because I won't get addicted to the phone like to the computer. It's now 3:45PM, I had my lunch and did some Math. So far, so good and History is next. I hope today's a productive day for me! After wasting 2 days in a row..

P.S. You guys should soooo try tumblr-ing! Check mine out ;)

Friday, May 14, 2010


Hi, things to do:

01 Get away from the computer
02 Stop changing blog url
03 Start studying for Mid-Years
04 Stop feeding on biscuits
05 Lose 1 kg by end of June
06 Stop being a sexist
07 Start loving